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About Us

It was a cold day in March 2012. My husband decided to build me a small garden. He and our son spent the whole day doing just that. The month following, I decided I would plant a variety of peppers, spicy, mild, and sweet. Throughout the summer and beginning of fall we had an abundance of produce. I was unsure what to do with it all. I gave some away. I froze some. We ate some. Yet I still had the dilemma of 'what to do'. I bought a dehydrator. Once my produce was dehydrated, I was faced with the same dilemma, 'what to do with the dried veggies'. I had to pray for the answer and the next thing I knew I was creating my own line of seasonings.

Karlon's Seasoning was a hit.  Everyone who tried it said, "You should sell this in the stores."  After six years of creating seasonings as hobby, I decided to "Step out on faith." Life experiences gave me an opportunity to pursue my passion and thus Karlon's Seasonings was made available to you. 


A little something about my beginning...

When I was growing up, my grandmother had a huge garden. My cousins and I would spend at least a week with her every summer and almost every Sunday throughout the year. She used to make us get up in the wee hours of the morning to do chores and, of course, help her in the garden—a task none of us really liked.

I hated it. I told myself, I would never have a garden of my own. It was too much work. As far as I was concerned she, my grandmother, could have hers. Funny thing…life is. It has been said to never say ‘never’…because today I have a garden. And thus, the venture began.

What started as a hobby became a passion. Now that passion is a business 6 years in the making. So many people loved my seasoning. If I had a penny for every time I heard the words, “You should get this in the stores….” I would be…well you know the saying. I finally decided to step out on faith. Karlon’s Seasonings was born. God never failed me before, so He certainly isn't going to do it now.


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